Why is EIP 1559 important? 

Before Ethereum (ETH) adopted the Ethereum Improvement Proposal 1559 (EIP 1559) upgrade to their transaction fee on August 5th, 2021, gas fees were random and insanely high. Thankfully, in 2019, Ethereum’s Founder, Vitalik Buterin, proposed a new method for processing and calculating transaction fees on the Ethereum blockchain through algorithmically generated fees based on blocks’

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5 Winter Storage Unit Tips

Most people in the world have a lot of stuff.  And for most people, their house isn’t big enough to store everything they own. That’s why lots of people use storage units to store their extra stuff. But if you want to make sure your things are safe and sound during the winter season, there

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Current Business Trends

Current Business Trends Raphael Avraham Sternberg is a successful entrepreneur who has built several businesses. He has a reputation for being ahead of his time and has been featured in various news outlets for his entrepreneurship ideas. Here are some trends that he predicts will be most important for new entrepreneurs: Answering Phone Calls Instead

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