After an accident, it’s crucial to ensure that everyone is first all right. Then, report the collision to the police if anyone was injured or vehicles were damaged. If you aren’t certain about what caused the accident, be sure to tell the police that you aren’t sure, click for info to learn more on what to do and it’s process!
Admitting fault if you didn’t cause the accident can be dangerous. You could be on the hook for property damage, medical expenses, and other costs. This article will summarize why it’s essential to proceed with caution if you feel like you might accidentally admit fault under the wrong circumstances.
1. Don’t Admit Fault
After a car collision, the advice is tossed around all the time regarding whether or not you should admit fault for a car accident. However, it’s never wise to admit fault, even if you think that a portion of the responsibility was yours. Though you might believe you were a leading part of the accident, you might not know about all of the other elements that went into it and caused the crash. There could have been a lot of different things happening inside the other car, or maybe the other motorists broke traffic laws before the collision occurred. At this point, it’s difficult to know for sure.
When the insurance company investigates the crash, they might find out that the other motorist didn’t yield as they should have, were on their phone texting before the collision occurred, or could have driven through a stop sign. If any of these things happened and you already admitted fault for the crash, it can make it harder to make the other driver be held responsible for your injuries and damages, even though their mistake was likely a driving factor in the accident.
2. Be Wary of Recorded Statements
Recorded statements is a tactic the insurance companies use to document you admitting fault. Insurers can even take the wrong meaning from your statement to infer that the collision was your fault. For example, if you mention to the insurance representative that you looked down before the crash occurred, the insurer might translate that to mean you weren’t driving as cautiously as you should have been. In reality, it can be more accurate and helpful to say that you looked down to switch gears first.
3. Discuss the Situation with an Attorney
Many people should avoid giving their insurance companies any statements before they speak with a car accident lawyer. Many attorneys offer a free initial consultation and will be able to aid you in making a recorded statement confidently, without having to worry about the insurer’s tactics. It’s okay to tell your insurance company that you need to speak with your car accident lawyer first before offering a statement.
Once a collision occurs, and the police are on the scene, it’s never a good idea to admit fault right away. The police will look into the accident, investigate the various testimonies, and then they will determine who is at fault. Never admit fault if you weren’t responsible for the collision because you might find yourself responsible for medical costs, property damage, and other expenses for all parties involved.