OEE is one of the most powerful and simplest performance measures. It can be used to measure just about any process, not just manufacturing. However, knowing how to use OEE in your organization can be challenging.
This article will help you get started with the right basics so that you can better understand what it means for your business and how you can use it to improve productivity.
A company with OEE experience can help you navigate the potential pitfalls and maximize the benefits.
1. Understand the Components of OEE
Before you start using your OEE system, you need to understand its three main components: Availability, Performance, and Quality. Availability is the percentage of time your equipment or process is available to produce product. Performance is the percentage of time your equipment or process is running at the rated speed. Quality is the percentage of products that meet your quality standards.
2. Calculate OEE for Your Processes
Once you understand these three components, you can start to calculate your OEE for specific processes. There are a few different ways to do this, but an easy way is to use a simple formula:
OEE= Availability*Performance*Quality
For example, if your process equipment is available 80% of the time, runs at the rated speed 60% of the time and produces product that meets quality standards 99% of the time, then your OEE for this particular task would be (80*60*99) / 100 = 47.8%.
3. Identify Opportunities to Improve OEE
Once you have your OEE calculations in hand, the next step is to identify opportunities to improve the numbers. This could involve improving your availability, performance, or quality numbers. For example, if your OEE calculation shows that you have a low quality score, you may want to do more inspections or increase the quality standards for your product. Or, if your OEE shows that you have a high percentage of time your equipment runs at reduced speed, you may need to replace equipment so it will run faster and with higher quality.
4. Make Continuous Improvements
It is important to keep in mind that OEE is a continuous improvement measure. This means that you should always be looking for ways to improve your numbers. Keep track of your progress and celebrate your successes along the way!
By following these simple tips, you can start using your OEE system to improve productivity in your organization. And remember, always keep striving for continuous improvement!