Let’s see how you can continue moving forward with your Florida LLC registration without a physical place in Florida.

This may be a question you would want to consider if you want to expand your business to different states, of which Florida is one, or you simply wish to start an LLC in Florida because of their relatively low start-up costs and taxation. Either way, as a non-resident of Florida, this is a question that you need answered, so let’s get right to it.
Hire a Registered Agent
In Florida you do not need your own physical place to form an LLC, but how will you then form your LLC? The answer is appointing a Registered Agent. In Florida, you are required to appoint a Florida Registered Agent who has a physical property with an official address in Florida where mail can be sent and notices served. This option will allow you to use the services provided by an appointed Registered Agent or a company specializing in Registered Agent services, including their address and their duties to receive service of process on your LLC’s behalf at said address. Their duty to receive your LLC’s services of process include receiving legal and tax documents, accepting notices of lawsuits and relay government correspondences on your LLC’s behalf. All such documents and correspondences will be sent to your Registered Agent’s address; it is therefore crucial that your Registered Agent have a physical address in Florida and be available during working hours in order to receive official mail relating to your LLC. In essence, your Registered Agent’s address will be your LLC’s official address, and your Registered Agent will be your LLC’s point of contact with third parties on your behalf. Getting a mail forwarding service for your company will provide you the benefits stated above, as well as the protection of your privacy.
Consider a Registered Agent Service
A Florida Registered Agent Service will provide you with the same services as an individual acting as a Registered Agent. Registered Agent Services, however, have their own advantages and benefits so it is worth considering. By hiring a Registered Agent Service you are granted more privacy as their address will be registered as your LLC’s in public records and you will also be notified immediately of incoming legal documents, lawsuits or and government correspondences. Lastly, a Registered Agent Service, can help you keep your LLC compliant with regular compliance reminders and notifications of fees due. And furthermore, in the event that you want to expand your LLC to other US states, a National Registered Agent Service can provide you with national coverage, as they will be authorized to continue acting as your Registered Agents in the states you would like to expand into. The only disadvantage to employing a Registered Agent Service is the costs involved with the hire, which may be much more expensive than hiring an independent Registered Agent who will serve the same basic functions discussed above.
What about other US states?
All LLCs in every US state are required to appoint a Registered Agent before filing their formation forms. They may be referred to by different names in a few states, such as a Resident Agent in Nevada, a Statutory Agent in Ohio and Arizona and an Agent for Service of Process as they are referred to in California, but the different names do not change the fundamental purpose underlying the role, and the functions involved in fulfilling that role in LLCs. They all serve the very same purpose for your LLCs regardless of the name they take on or the state they operate in, as long as they reside in the state of your LLC’s formation.
Still wondering whether you should appoint a Registered Agent, and how you would even find one for your LLC in Florida? Let TRUiC lead the way and help you find a Florida Registered Agent, visit their site and let them show you exactly how Registered Agents are the solution to having no physical property for your LLC in Florida.