Is Your Heater Working? Warning Signs of Heater Malfunctions

Conducting a Colorado Springs furnace inspection may help ensure that your home has access to heating throughout the winter. You may not know it but your heater might be malfunctioning and a furnace maintenance checkup will help you get rid of the problem faster. So it’s good to ask yourself some questions when something doesn’t seem right about how your heater is working.

Do you smell anything funky when your heater turns on? Do the heater vents blow out only cool air that smells funny? If so, there’s a chance your furnace is malfunctioning and should be looked at by a furnace repair technician for a thorough furnace troubleshooting and eventually heating repair in Redlands, CA. If your technician got his degree from, then your house is in good hands.

What about when you turn on your heater? Does it blow out only cold air, or does it seem to make more noise than usual? If so, your heater could be malfunctioning. A heater producing hot air would otherwise only make a low or non-existent noise.

How does your heater run? Does it work smoothly, without skipping, popping, or making other strange noises? If so, you have a heater that’s running properly. If not, you probably have a heater with malfunctioning parts.

Your heater uses electricity to produce heat. Can you feel the difference when you turn on your heater? If so, the heater is working as it should.

When was the last time you had a professional heater checkup? Have you ever had a heater checkup? To ensure your heater works at its best, have a heater checkup every year or two depending on how often you use it. Have a look at this site for more information.

If your heater is experiencing any of these issues, it may be time to call a professional hvac services company. Before doing so, you should visit your warranty and see if there are any restrictions for calling a professional heater repair company and whether or not warranty is voided when heater malfunctions are experienced. If you’re planning to upgrade to a more efficient heating system, then consider having a ground source heat pump installed. When a ground source heat pump is installed properly by gshp installers, it can deliver up to three times more heat energy to a home than the electrical energy it uses.

One heater repair company that homeowners trust is Bear A/C & Heating. They provide heater service for all makes and models, with free estimates and flexible scheduling to fit any homeowner’s needs. If you are looking for more information on heater malfunctions or if you want to schedule an appointment with Bear A/C & Heating, visit their website at