Keeping Meetings on Track
Keeping track of meetings is vital if you want to manage your time and get work done effectively. In the same way that you should take note of all other aspects of life, you should also note what happens at every meeting. According to pain management specialist Jordan Sudberg, this will save you from being late for meetings or missing important points throughout them. Here are some tips on how to do just that.
1. write down the plan before each meeting: it’s not always easy to remember everything that happened during last week’s team meeting, especially as it was the first one in ages! But by writing it down beforehand, you’ll be able to have everything in mind instead of frantically searching through your memory banks. Plus, you won’t forget anything important, like who said what and when – which could lead to problems later.
2. Set meeting ground rules: if any people tend to dominate conversations, make sure they know that others at the table may need to speak up at times. This will ensure people listen and don’t interrupt their ideas. However, this does mean you must avoid setting too many ground rules too early because everyone has different opinions, and it wouldn’t be fair to put restrictions on someone based on personality traits alone.
3. Share the ground rules and get buy-in: it’s easier for people to follow directions if they agree with them, so it’s worth getting feedback from colleagues about possible changes to set ground rules. Likewise, once you’ve established the most important rule(s) at the start of the meeting, ask questions such as ‘does anyone object?’ and ‘do we need more ground rules?’ to gauge the level of consensus.
4. Enforce the ground rules: people often forget things that were agreed upon the night before a meeting or something else came up completely unexpectedly. Therefore, it’s best to try and stick to the original plan unless it’s been made clear that there is no longer consent. It might feel awkward to enforce these rules, but you don’t want a team member going off on their tangents during discussions, and there’s nothing worse than missing out on critical information because you weren’t paying attention.
5. Keep an eye on the clock: when working together towards a deadline, it’s good to share milestones and deadlines. It’s important to know exactly when it comes to a meeting. Otherwise, you’re likely to miss out on important details.
6. Take breaks between meetings: regular rest periods break down the monotony of sitting and standing for long amounts of time, particularly if it’s a hot day. Taking frequent rests will prevent you from feeling sluggish, energized, and refreshed – a great combination for productivity!
7. Have a meeting room (or conference room): while there are obvious benefits to holding meetings outdoors, meeting rooms offer the convenience of a familiar space where everyone knows their place and isn’t constantly changing. This means you’re less likely to get distracted by phone calls or emails while trying to get work done.
8. Set expectations and boundaries: setting specific goals helps teams stay focused on
targets and keep moving forward. This includes knowing where you both stand as individuals concerning those targets and ensuring that only appropriate topics are discussed in front of the entire group. Bottom line: According to pain management specialist Jordan Sudberg, when running a successful meeting, it’s beneficial to identify your needs first to find solutions that work well for everyone involved. Whether you run informal chats with employees or hold regular staff meetings, you can adopt some simple guidelines to increase efficiency, help build relationships, and reduce distractions.