Tag Archives: mental health

Mental Health and Coping Strategies for Living with Cancer

Mental Health and Coping Strategies for Living with Cancer

A cancer diagnosis, such as multiple myeloma, can have a profound impact on an individual’s mental health and emotional well-being. As patients navigate the complex landscape of treatment, recovery, and adaptation to a new normal, the importance of developing effective coping strategies and prioritizing mental health cannot be overstated. Gregory O. Proctor, the author of

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Alcoholism in College Students Addressing a Growing Concern

Alcoholism in College Students: Addressing a Growing Concern

College is often seen as a time for growth, exploration, and independence. For many students, it’s a transitional phase marked by academic challenges, social opportunities, and newfound freedoms. Unfortunately, for some, these freedoms lead to unhealthy behaviors, including excessive alcohol consumption. Alcoholism in college students is a growing concern in the United States and worldwide. 

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