3 Tips to Skyrocket your app’s User Experience

An app’s User Experience (UX) is, by far, the most influential element that determines its long term success.

It really doesn’t matter how unique your app idea is or how many useful features does your app have. That’s because sooner or later, a user is bound to find an alternative app that provides similar value offerings as yours. 

A smooth and user-friendly app UX is a key element that can separate your app from its counterparts.

Once a user likes the manner in which your UX is designed, there are strong chances that he becomes a life-time user of your app. Therefore, getting ux/ui consultants melbourne for your app development is a must.

So what exactly goes into creating a good app UX?

In simple terms, an app has a good UX if its users have to make minimal efforts and sacrifice the least amount of time while consuming its content or using its features.  

Let’s talk about three tactics that every app developer should consider if his mission is to create a highly user-friendly app

(1) Keep a simple Signup page

The signup page is one of the most underrated elements of your app, when it comes to user experience.

That’s because the layout of your signup page significantly drives a user’s first impression of your app.

The most prevalent mistake that app development companies commit is to fully replicate their website’s sign up page in the app.

You should keep in mind that having the same signup page for both the website and the app is big no when it comes to User Experience.

It’s very common that a sign up page that is designed specifically for a website would be deemed as a highly overwhelming one by an app user.

Website based signup pages are conventionally quite detailed and have a very long format. It’s also very common for them to hold a considerable amount of irrelevant information.

This is something that doesn’t sit well with an app user who has to view the signup page on a mobile-based interface.

Considering the short attention span of mobile based users these days, this can be a huge turn off.

A worst-case scenario would be the user developing an unfavourable notion about your app and not taking any further actions post-viewing your sign up page.

The above points can lead us to three major takeaways:

Firstly, always create a separate sign up page for your app and make sure it has minimal information other than the user sign up procedure.

The best option would be to include direct sign-in options, namely through Google and other social media accounts. 

In this manner, the consumer won’t have to sign up manually through your app, which always takes up more time.

Secondly, never provide a signup page the moment a user opens your app. This can be easily perceived as a spammy approach on your part.

Instead, provide the signup screen after the user has spent a considerable amount of time in your app, say around a minute.

(2)  Be Clear and Transparent in your operations 

It may sound strange, but showing a lack of transparency in your operations can hamper your overall app UX as well.

Although the online consumer nowadays, has become quite open to sharing their personal information, a mobile app should always ensure that they are giving due respect to a consumer’s consent.

For example, a fitness app can’t automatically assume that a user would have no problems with sharing their personal diet chart on his facebook community.

This is something that raises trust issues in the long run and can finally result in the user uninstalling your app. This is because the app is not explicitly asking a consumer’s permission when it comes to social sharing.

Such practices can also invite loads of negative reviews about your app on storage platforms. A multitude of bad reviews can significantly affect your current as well as future download numbers.

The most appropriate solution to this is to ask the consumer’s consent through a social sharing page that asks their permission as to whether the app can share such personal details of them.

Such a page should be provided to the user once he downloads the app.

(3) Use animations in a Subtle Manner

This point is especially for those apps that deal with relatively more formal or serious content.

Educational and news apps are a perfect example of these.

In spite of the nature of your content, you should ensure that you are including ample amounts of animation in your app.

No matter what your app’s area of content is, your consumer should always get a jovial and exciting vibe every time he opens your app.

However, unless and until you have a gaming app, it’s necessary that you have a very subtle approach towards including animations in your app designing.

 Let’s have a look at a couple of ways in which you can do this:

Animated Progress Bars

This involves using animated progress bars while the consumer waits for your app to load a page.

Animated progress bars are all about providing a psychological comfort to the user while he waits for your app to load a certain page.

Such progress bars greatly contribute to making the waiting process relatively less boring for the user. This is something that frequently happens with the user when the page is taking a considerable time to load.

Reddit is the aptest example of using animated progress bars. The brand uses its own logo as a progress bar while loading a particular page.

  • Animated Push notifications

These can benefit your app in a two-way manner

In addition to enhancing the user experience, such animations also contribute significantly to driving your app’s user engagement metrics.

However, it never advisable to include hardcore animations while creating push notifications for your app. 

This is because a consumer might perceive such notifications to be a bit overwhelming and get distracted from the real message.

Two of the most crucial things that you should include are a highly intuitive colour combination and an animated logo of your app.

Wrapping Up

An inference that can be drawn from the above-mentioned points is that an app’s long term success greatly depends on the degree of its user experience.

It’s high time that app developers start creating apps keeping a long term approach in mind and not just focus on features and features only.

Author Bio- Hi There, I am Shaun Williams, a content writer with Goodfirms, a research platform for Cloud Computing and Translation services companies, among many others. I enjoy communicating ideas and knowledge creatively and also ensure that the readers never suffer from boredom while reading my posts.