Category Archives: Legal

Navigating the Workers’ Compensation Process – A Step-By-Step Guide

The workers’ compensation system is a complicated give-and-take that requires careful planning. This is why it’s essential to work with an experienced workers’ comp attorney who can help you navigate the Workers Compensation Management process. Injured workers can receive benefits for lost wages, medical expenses, and vocational rehabilitation. These benefits are often tax-free. Notify Your

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Understanding Temporary Protected Status (TPS)

TPS is a humanitarian designation for people from certain countries deemed unsafe to return home. These are often countries experiencing ongoing armed conflict, environmental disasters, or other extraordinary and temporary conditions. TPS is a status that can be granted to people for six, 12, or 18 months at a time. However, it is not a

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Choosing an Attorney: Dos and Don’ts

When talking to an attorney, it is vital to be strategic. Attorneys tend to over-explain, so cutting the details and focusing on the main point is essential. Make sure you keep your conversation civil and avoid addressing the attorney as though you are the only individual in the room. Avoid Hiring a Lawyer That is

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Why Hire a Car Accident Attorney?

Hiring a car accident attorney is crucial for a variety of reasons. First, according to the Insurance Research Council, hiring a personal injury attorney can increase the amount of money you receive as a settlement. People who hire an attorney are 3 to 3.5 times more likely to receive a settlement than those who do

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