How Can You Boost Your Sales Using Augmented Reality

Knowingly or unknowingly, about 50% of shoppers worldwide are using augmented reality today, and out of them, about 33% use it most while shopping offline in stores. 

According to analysts, the AR market is expected to grow by $130 billion by the year 2020. So needless to say augmented reality surely owns an infinite potential to push profits higher and higher today.

Modern businesses are making a scramble to integrate augmented reality. There are even practical applications for this technology from the comfort of your room such as At-home therapeutic Virtual Reality therapies used in the field of medicine. As production improves, the demands of the customers become more sophisticated, urging retailers to take new steps to satiate their demands. But with Augmented Reality, they can really aim to boost their sales in more ways than one.

How can you boost your business with the use of augmented reality? 

Let’s check in detail:

  • With AR you will get a good user experience

Even a few years back, marketers used all their focus to focus on content. But now things have changed for good and if the trends of AR are to be believed, there are consumers who might be content consumers and content creators. With AR tech, customers can now personally interact with the offline and online products that can be scanned with AR. Users can also get additional information about the products they can scan at stores and also acquire info about nearby stores. 

  • Readers are being connected to printed content

With the development of electronic technologies, printed products will not go out anytime soon. They will adapt to the demands of AR continuing to reap profits. 

Users who are keen to read content from printed media would be content, and companies will also be able to fill the gap between their digital media and age-old printed media. 

It will also offer insights to the companies about how the customers actually get interested in the data and in which way can content delivery be improved. 

For example, the famous Italian Scooter retailer, Vespa, links up its own magazine pages with the technology of AR. Now the users have the option to scan the ad and create their own customizable scooter from the scratch, via the AR app. 

  • Language barriers are removed

When a company with its hard work attains globalization, they are confronted with the problems of globalization. And the truth is, in order to solve language issues, one needs to invest time and money. 

But thanks to the wide options offered by AR, because with the aid of Google Translate AR mode, users can see any text of 40 languages being translated in the native one. 

  • AR helps shoppers in their shopping 

According to statistics, usage of AR increases the chance that a particular customer would buy the product from Before even buying the Datejust 41, when they are allowed to AR the product with the aid of virtual fitting rooms and additional information they are most likely instigated to make the purchase. 

But AR is not only limited in the areas of fashion but according to trends, the most popular sector of AR retail is furniture.