How Live Video is Transforming the Online World

In the beginning, there were text based HTML websites. Then the internet evolved, and audio and visual became vital components of the online experience. When audio and visual came together to stream online video, the popularity (and money making potential) of websites like YouTube exploded. The more the internet evolves, the higher our expectations for what we’ll find going online. Now in 2022, live video streaming is the craze revolutionizing our digital sphere. 

While online streaming is associated with gamers, the uses of live video go beyond e-sports. Real estate agents are hosting 34 webinars per year. 17% of US patient visits were conducted via telehealth in 2021, a number unlikely to decline in the near future. Recruiters hold 5 in 6 of their interviews with prospective hires over video call. Live video streaming touches every corner of modern life.

With great potential comes great pratfalls, however. Live-streaming often requires massive bandwidth to deliver video smoothly. Even in the US, not everyone has access to high speed internet. Without intervention, the Digital Divide will exclude rural areas from major economic opportunities. Security and privacy are also major concerns, as not every video call is made open to the general public.

The power of nimble live video