How to protect your business from cyberattacks in 2021

No one is safe online, as we are all vulnerable to cyberattacks. Technology has evolved, and hackers have upped their game when it comes to gaining access to data and devices. Your privacy is of utmost importance since your data in the wrong hands can cause devastating losses.

Cybersecurity starts with everyone learning about the daily threats they face online and how to mitigate them. As a business owner, it is imperative to safeguard your data as leaked information may lead to financial losses and losing your customer’s trust. Hackers can use customer or employee information to take illegal loans or credit and use the information for illegal activities.

Most times, the cause of cyberattacks on businesses is complacency or simply ignorance. Complacent management may overlook the importance of having robust data security. With most people working remotely, it is even more important to learn about cybersecurity and know how best to keep your data protected. That said, here are a few tips to keep your business safe from cyberattacks.

Software Updates

Hackers may exploit security weaknesses in obsolete software. They may find system vulnerabilities and exploit them to gain access to your system. Thus, it is imperative to check for software developers’ updates as new updates contain essential security patches. Ensure you have the auto-update feature turned on in your software settings or system configuration to receive updates as soon as they are rolled out.

If your company uses NSX-V, then nsx migration is in order. Migrating to NSX-T will improve the security of your network infrastructure.

Data Encryption

Que es encriptar? Encryption involves converting data into an unreadable format to conceal the true meaning. For one to understand the information, one has to use the decryption key provided. This way, the data becomes useless to parties without the decryption key.

It would help if your encrypted your business data before transferring to another location or user. Hackers may tap into your data while on transit and access all your information. That said, before making transferring or storing data, use various encryption methods to ensure only authorized personnel can access the info.

Data Backup

Cyberattacks can lead to significant data loss, and it may be devastating, especially if you don’t have any backup. Create a backup for your sensitive business data such as customer and employee information and your banking details. Creating backup ensures you can quickly restore your information in case of a data breach or loss. If you’re interested in learning more, you can read about the BA data breach claim here.

Ensure the data is encrypted before creating a backup plan. Avoid storing data in your physical location, as you can use remote servers with strong security to back up your data.

Limit Employee Access to Business Data

Some data security threats may come from within your organization. Employees may be reckless with the data or their devices, allowing hackers to access your network. Apart from human error, some employees may have malicious intentions and may work with hackers to access your sensitive data.

To limit cyberattacks due to human error, it would be best to put restrictions on who has access to your business information. Provide your staff with access to information that they only need to perform their tasks. When an employee leaves your organization, make sure to delete or revoke their access to the business network and database. Confiscate security key cards and log-in details from ex-employees.

Strong Password Protection

Your password is the first defense mechanism against data breaches and unauthorized access. Emphasize the importance of employees having strong passwords on the work devices and network connection. Implement the use of special characters, alphanumeric, and characters to form strong passwords.

Avoid using one password across all your workplace devices or online accounts. Ensure your network connection and business emails are protected using a strong password that is not too obvious.

Another option to consider is secure file sharing, which is a protected method of transferring data between users or organizations.