Reasons Why People Resist Change
Resisting change is a common trait of those who live in an ever-changing world. It can be difficult to embrace change, but there are several good reasons why people resist change. Jonathan Osler is an educator and author who has written on change management and education. Here, he provides five reasons people resist change, based on his experience as an educator.
1. Change Can Be Difficult to Accept
It is easy to resist change because it often involves having to choose between the familiar and the new. Change often involves a loss of familiarity with the old way of doing things. Resistance to change is often based on the desire to have things stay the same.
2. Fear of Failure
Some people are afraid of failure. They don’t want to be seen as a failure. They don’t want to be seen as not living up to the expectations of others. Most people are afraid of getting rejected or not being accepted. Most people think failure is a bad thing.
3. Lack of Competence
Many people don’t want to feel incompetent. They are afraid of being seen as not knowing what they are talking about. Some people don’t want to be seen as not knowing what they are talking about, even if it is true. This fear of failure can take the form of an unwillingness to ask questions or make mistakes.
4. Poor Communication Skills
Many people have trouble communicating with others. They don’t want to waste time or be perceived as being rude. Many people don’t believe what they say is listened to or taken seriously. They are afraid of being seen as being too aggressive or too pushy.
5. Not Being Consulted
Many people don’t want to be seen as not being consulted. They feel they are being ignored or forgotten about. They fear being left out of the loop, or not being considered important enough to be consulted. They fear being left out of the decision-making process.
6. Exhaustion
Some people are simply tired of things being the way they are. They are tired of things changing all the time. They don’t want to be bothered with having to learn new ways of doing things or being forced to change. They want things to stay the same because it is easier.
7. Low Trust
Some people feel that they can’t trust someone who is trying to get them to change. They don’t want to be confused or have their trust betrayed. They don’t want to be made vulnerable. They are afraid of being controlled or manipulated by others. They are afraid that things won’t go their way if they change, and that things will go wrong if they stay the same.
According to Jonathan Osler, if you want your life to change, you have to be willing to change. There is no such thing as a perfect life, and there is no such thing as a perfect job. The only way to get what you want is to take action and go after it. If you want to change, you have to be willing to do things differently.