Students entering Class 9 are often focused on one thing, and one thing only-Class 10. Different students have different approaches while thinking of Class 9 in conjunction with Class 10. Some students think of Class 9 as the final year during which they can enjoy themselves since after that they know they will be faced with the challenges of Class 10 and Class 12 board exams. These students go into Class 9 intending to pay as little attention as possible to their studies and to just relax and essentially take the year off. Such students are extremely likely to fall behind in subjects such as Maths since they refuse to acknowledge the demanding nature of schoolwork. On the other hand, some students understand that Class 9 is a crucial stepping stone for performing well in board exams and that focusing on difficult subjects is a long-term investment that will benefit them in the future as well. Therefore, it can be argued that Class 9 Maths is a more important stage than Class 10 Maths.
Provides Revision
While CBSE Class 9 Maths has a syllabus independent from that of Classes 8 or 10, it plays a very important role in preparing students for Class 10 Maths. Maths is a very layered subject; students are introduced to a newer, more complex layer as they progress through school. It is impossible to simply skip a layer while learning, as this would render the next layer incomprehensible for any student. For example, a student cannot be taught linear equations before they understand the simple concept of addition. In order to score good marks in the board exam, students need to be able to demonstrate their understanding of basic as well as more advanced concepts. This means that students need to be thoroughly comfortable with the entire CBSE Maths syllabus, right from Class 1 to Class 10. The Class 9 Maths curriculum allows students to revise this vast syllabus before they need to appear for their board exams. It gives them a chance to go back and study concepts that they might not recall, or even have not understood in the first place. It is better for students to revise these past syllabi in Class 9, since they will experience a more hectic and demanding school life once they enter Class 10.
Lays the Groundwork
In addition to reviewing the concepts that they had already learned in previous classes, Class 9 Maths also helps to create a solid base for what students are expected to learn in Class 10. Having a clear understanding of each and every concept introduced in Class 9 is crucial in terms of preparing for the board exams. As mentioned above, students cannot move on to a complex aspect of a topic if they do not understand its basics. The Class 9 Maths syllabus has quite a few things in common with the Class 10 Maths syllabus. In Class 9, students are taught topics such as Polynomials, Linear Equations in Two Variables, Triangles, Circle, etc. which are integral for them to be able to understand more than half of the Class 10 Maths syllabus. Even though the Class 10 Maths syllabus includes some chapters with the same names as those taught in Class 9, the students are introduced to more advanced concepts and problems within those same topics. It is therefore impossible for a student to ace their board exams without understanding the Class 9 Maths syllabus, which means that students must pay close attention while learning Maths in Class 9 itself.
Gives students an idea of how and what to study
Since the Class 10 Maths syllabus shares some similarities with the Class 9 Maths syllabus, students will start learning how to plan out their studies in Class 9. Students can start deciding which topics they must prioritize according to the level of complexity, as well as their personal strengths and weaknesses in Maths. While algebra might be considered difficult to master, a student who enjoys algebra but struggles with geometry should naturally dedicate more time and effort towards studying geometry. Class 9 is a great place for students to realize that they cannot simply adopt their classmates’ study strategies. Understanding that each student is unique in their academic talents will help students realize exactly what they will need in order to prepare for Class 10 board exams. Class 9 students can explore and identify their strong and weak points, and work on improving the weak ones since they will not have time for this later. For example, a student who simply cannot wrap their head around Polynomials can utilize resources such as the RS Aggarwal Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 2 while they are in Class 9, to ensure that they will not have to put in more work during Class 10. Maths is a subject that is very dependent on how much a student practices it, and it is important to ensure that students solve as many problems as they can while studying. Many students prefer having the answers to a problem in front of them while solving it, as it can help them to think about the problem more calmly and rationally.
Helps students make future plans
For many students, Class 9 is a time when they start thinking seriously about their future plans. With the board exams looming in the distance, students understand that they will need to narrow down their academic choices to be able to choose their subjects in Class 11. Class 9 Maths plays a significant role here- while it is not as challenging as Class 10 studies, it does introduce students to concepts they know they will be required to study in the future if they choose to go down an academic route that includes Maths. Some students who are simply unable to interest themselves in mathematical concepts may choose to select a study path devoid of Maths after Class 10. Others may feel that Maths is something they can enjoy, or at least tolerate down the line, which then helps them decide their academic and professional paths.