Why Leaders Struggle Today
Today’s business environment is unique. Global competition, high-speed internet, and a digital workforce have changed our operations. And yet, many people behave as if the way to be successful in our fast-paced, digitally-driven world is the same way it was 30 years ago – with autocratic leadership and outdated hierarchies. According to educator Jonathan Osler San Francisco, this article explores why a company’s leaders struggle to lead teams nowadays.
Technology Is Changing How We Operate
The pace at which technological advances have emerged in the last few decades has changed how we operate at all levels. We now live in a world that’s impossible to imagine without the internet. People today can access, process, and share information in a way that would have seemed like science fiction just a few decades ago. Although our digital experiences have opened up new opportunities for efficiency, it’s also created an overload of data and information.
Work Loads Have Increased
According to educator Jonathan Osler, the increased demand for work has made it more challenging to lead teams. He says workers must multitask and complete more items on their to-do lists. It’s gone from doing one or two things at once to being expected to do four or five things at once. This means that leaders must be delegating, communicating, and getting feedback faster than ever.
People are Using Technology More
Technology has also played a role in widening communication gaps. The internet has allowed people to share and collaborate in impossible ways only a few years ago. According to Jonathan Osler, San Francisco, technology is allowing us to think, communicate, and feel at a global level. People can connect with people all over the globe when they need help or need advice. But it does not just have this ability to connect but also feel empowered.
A Sense of Belonging is Missing
As more people have access to technology and global communication, it’s become harder to connect with other people from our offices in the same way. Jonathan Osler San Francisco says that the more time we spend with people from other countries, the less we feel like we belong at our company. We are surrounded by workers who speak another language, and it becomes much harder to relate. This means that leaders must make an effort to create a sense of belonging within their teams.
Tailoring Communications to Individuals
For leader Jonathan Osler, communication has become more personalized. Instead of communicating in a one-size-fits-all way, leaders are tailoring communications to individuals to get better results. You don’t have to be a leader in tailoring communications in today’s world. Every worker can better understand their colleagues and build stronger connections.
Leadership Requires Empathy
Instead of trying to fit everyone into one mold, leader Jonathan Osler encourages leaders to look at each person as an individual. And when you look at people as individuals, you see their strengths and weaknesses and learn about them as human beings. He says that leadership requires empathy, sensitivity, and compassion. You can’t be a leader and expect people to follow you if you don’t understand them.