Different misconceptions usually revolve around anesthesiologists and anesthesia. They usually vary from one region to another.
We’ll now look into six misconceptions about working as an anesthetist:
1. An Anesthesiologist is not a Doctor
According to some people, an anesthetist is not a doctor. Most people assume they are paramedics and technicians. On the contrary, an anesthetist is a doctor, and they usually study for at least seven years before they can start practicing. As a result, we can confidently say that anesthetists are trained, medical professionals.
If you want to become an anesthetist, you should enroll in an undergraduate degree which takes five years. After that, you’ll partake in an internship. Later on, you’ll dedicate three years to medical officer training. The last step is taking part in intensive training for four years. During the four years, you’ll learn about the ins and outs of anesthesia, and you’ll take part in interviews and examinations to determine whether you’re capable of overseeing a medical procedure in the OR (Operating Room).
An anesthetist working as a consultant will work for at least five years before they are accorded the honor of becoming a specialist. They’ll also undergo further training and participate in examinations that the society of anesthesiologists will oversee.
2. After Administering the Anesthetics, the Anesthesiologist Will leave The Room.
Some people believe that after the anesthetics kick in and the patient “falls asleep,” the anesthetist will leave the room. On the contrary, the anesthetist will keep track of the patient’s vitals while also ensuring regular updates are being issued to the surgeon or any other concerned party in the OR (operating room) just like in a general surgery procedure.
The anesthetist will coordinate with the surgeon, and together they will ensure the vitals of the patient are stable. The anesthetist is more of the team leader, and they are in complete control of the OR as the surgery takes place.
After the anesthesia ensures the patient is asleep, the anesthetist will administer muscle relaxers. A tube will also be inserted into the trachea to ensure the body is receiving enough oxygen.
3. An anesthetist is the ‘Gas’ Doctor.
Many people refer to anesthetists as the ‘gas’ doctor. According to the history of anesthesia, the process entails the administration of anesthetic gases, and that is where the term ‘gas’ doctor comes into play.
Over the years, anesthesia has advanced, and the techniques currently in use are refined. Anesthetists are not restricted to the use of inhalation agents only. They can use other substances to administer the anesthetic effect.
4. An Anesthetist is Only Responsible for Administering Anesthetics
Some people don’t understand the role of an anesthetist in the operating room. Generally, the anesthetist is supposed to handle everything while the surgeon focuses on the wound. There are instances when they’ll chip in and offer their opinion during the surgery as they also make crucial decisions. The anesthetist is tasked with ensuring the heart, lungs, and brain are functioning appropriately.
5. It is an Easy Specialty
The specialty is not as easy. You’ll have to undergo intensive training after completing your undergraduate in medicine before you can become a certified anesthesiologist.
6. There is a Subspecialty for anesthetists.
Anesthesiology has no sub-specialty. However, variable subspecialties exist, and they include ICU, pain management, cardiac, and pediatric. You can specialize in any of these areas.
Final Thoughts
Misconceptions can be misleading, and that is why we have outlined six of them, and we have clarified everything. After reading through the entire article, you’ll get a better idea of what it takes to work as an anesthetist. If you’re considering getting into the practice, you now know what is expected of you and what you should expect before becoming a certified professional.