A Tech-Focused Improvement of HR Operations 

In today’s competitive business landscape, companies must invest in their tech to meet standards for efficiency and productivity. This necessity falls in every corner of a business, including the human resources (HR) department, especially since retaining top talent and creating a great work environment is a very important responsibility of successful companies. The term “HR tech” encompasses a wide range of software applications, including employee referral programs, workflow automation systems, and application tracking systems (ATS). Currently, about one-third of HR professionals use this technology, but it is projected to become an industry standard soon. 

HR tech PR has improved the HR department’s daily operations quite significantly. HR professionals have witnessed a 75% improvement in their recruiting processes and a 40% improvement in the time it takes them to complete their daily tasks. This frees up their time from their repetitive manual tasks and instead allows HR professionals to focus on providing a greater level of support to the employees in their care. This reprioritization of HR professional’s time has been reflected in reports that show an incredible 78% of employees claim their overall experience has been positively impacted by HR tech. This has a positive impact on retention, attracting top talent, and boosting overall productivity among employees.

HR Tech PR Agency
Source: Talent Tech PR