Everyone who’s ever owned storage items knows that anything inside of storage units can get wet. This is especially true for storage units at storage facilities located near oceans, lakes, rivers, or any other large bodies of water which are subject to tidal changes. But even storage units which are not at facilities located by the location may be subject to leakage. There are ways to keep storage items safe from moisture, though.
First, when you’re selecting storage units, make sure that they’re built with roofs which are water resistant and come with drainage systems for rainy days. Some storage facilities will spray their storage buildings’ roofs with special shellac or put down special paints in order to seal them. In storage units where the roofs are not water resistant, storage items should be placed on pallets to provide a barrier from seeping rain or moisture.
Storage facilities which have been around for a long period of time may have storage items which have begun to mold due to age and/or constant exposure to humidity. If storage facilities refuse to replace storage items which have been damaged by storage, the storage items will need to be replaced by the owner. Make sure to take pictures of storage items before storage units are opened to provide proof if necessary.
When you’re bringing storage items into storage units, make sure that they have been thoroughly dried out before being placed in storage. Moisture can cause mold and mildew to grow inside of storage units, so it’s important for storage units to be dry before storage items are placed inside of them.
Storage items should not be wrapped in plastic or paper when they’re being transported to storage units. Plastic and paper can trap moisture which can cause storage items to mold or mildew, so storage units need to be dried out before storage items are stored inside them.
As a general rule of storage storage, storage items should not be stored together if they’re likely to transfer water as storage units can become condensation collectors. If storage items must be placed in storage with other items, each item should have its own covered area and storage unit should be checked regularly to make sure that no moisture has gathered.
And finally, storage facility employees should regularly check storage units and the storage unit building for leaks as well as condensation on storage doors. If storage units are damp because of condensation or leaky storage buildings, storage items should be removed to another storage unit where they will remain dry. These storage items should also be thoroughly dried before being placed in storage again.
Now that you know more about how to keep storage items safe from moisture, storage seems like a much more appealing option. With the right storage unit and storage facility, storage units can be used for both short term storage and long term storage so that you can have more room at home.