It’s easy to forget how dangerous getting into an automobile can be. After all, many of us drive to work, school, or do our errands each and every day. It’s easy to forget just how common accidents can be, and how damaging. The reality is, each of us likely will be in at least one car accident in our lifetimes.
As this is the reality, it’s important that you take the time to educate yourself on the laws and procedures surrounding car accidents. Laws vary from state to state, so it can be even more complicated to keep up with what does and doesn’t apply in your particular area.
For example, what are the laws to know that pertain to a Florida car accident? Read on and we’ll walk you through everything that you need to know.
Florida Auto Insurance Requirements
Almost all states have laws in place the ensure that drivers on their roadways have proper auto insurance in place. This is to ensure that in the case of an accident, no injured person will have to go without proper compensation.
The minimum insurance coverages and various requirements for this insurance vary from state to state. Florida has its own set of auto insurance requirements that are unique from other states across the rest of the country.
All Floridian drivers are indeed required to purchase a car insurance policy. That policy must have at least $10,000 in place for personal injury protection and the same amount for property damage liability.
The former covers medical bills and such that a person might face as a result of injuries sustained at the accident. It also covers things like lost wages or pain and suffering. The latter covers damage to one’s vehicle.
Florida itself is a ‘no-fault’ state which means the insurance company will step in to pay for expenses no matter who takes fault for the accident at hand. An auto accident should be reported to an auto insurance company right away with detailed information and a police report.
In a situation where damages exceed a person’s liability coverage, a personal injury claim could be brought against the other driver. No matter if you’re seeking compensation from the driver’s insurance company or the driver themselves, it’s best to have a personal injury lawyer on your side.
Reporting A Florida Car Accident
There are many laws in Florida regarding the behavior of drivers at an accident. For one, all drivers are required by Florida law to stop at the scene of an accident and to help anyone who has been injured.
Not all accidents must be reported, but any accident with over $500 in estimated damages must be reported to local law enforcement immediately.
While not required by law, it’s a good idea to exchange information with the other driver or drivers as well as any witnesses to the accident. The information you gather from these people can be instrumental in later making a case against the at-fault driver.
It’s also a very good idea to collect as much evidence from the scene of the accident as possible. Now that everyone carries a camera around in their pocket, this can be much easier.
Use your phone to snap photos of both vehicles, your own injuries, and the overall scene of the accident. Capturing road conditions and the weather on that particular day can both be helpful. Ensure that the law enforcement that does come to the scene get all the facts and avoid admitting fault on your own behalf or blaming the other driver.
Sticking to the hard facts when filling out a police report is the best way to go about things.
Comparative Fault In The State Of Florida
What if more than one driver can be found at fault for an accident? For example, if one driver was texting and driving but the other ran a red light. Different states have different ways they like to handle this kind of problem.
Florida follows what is commonly known as a ‘pure comparative fault’ system. That means the fault for a case is essentially broken down into percentages. The person texting might be found 20 percent at-fault for the accident while the person who ran a red light would be found 80 percent responsible.
Both drivers would be able to try and get this percentage of their total compensation from the other driver.
It can be difficult to determine what these actual settlement amounts end up being. Many factors are taken into consideration in a Florida court of law, including how severe one’s injuries were and the cost of medical care for said injuries.
The level of evidence an individual is able to provide to make their case often has a big impact on overall settlement amounts. So does the quality of attorney an individual hires. A skilled car accident injury lawyer can fight and successfully win a big settlement amount for a car accident victim.
A less-than-stellar attorney or someone brand new to the practice might not be able to do this. There are many other factors that help to determine settlement size, and it’s best to evaluate each situation on a case-by-case basis.
Automobile Accident Laws
If you’ve been in a Florida car accident, it’s essential that you are familiar with the laws that surround this type of case. The above information can walk you through what you need to know about automobile accident law.
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