Shalom Lamm Offers 5 Tips On To Move A Business Into The Digital Era
Shalom Lamm has been an active participant in the executive world for over 35 years. With this impressive tenure, he offers some very valuable information as to how a business can shift into the current digital age. Above all else, one of the most important things to keep in mind is to keep current. This means keeping current with updates, software, and all intelligent information. Lamm is able to offer all of this, and then some. Below are just a few examples of how a business can make this shift, seamlessly.
Have Your People in the Right Places
Moving a business into the digital era does not have to be a struggle. Ensuring that you have your more tech-savvy or more digitally inclined individuals in the appropriate positions will make the transition even easier. These can be a type of “reassurance” to other leaders within the company who want to have a flawless transition.
Utilize Analytics For the Customer’s Benefit
Utilizing data analytics in a comparable manner will highlight the areas that need to be tweaked, over those that do not. The analytics will give better comparisons as to which direction to go. This is extremely important if you are looking toward a target audience for a specific product or service. One of the most basic areas to get the most current data analytics is social media.
Utilize Technology
Technology is enhancing literally every minute. By utilizing the most updated form of technology this will allow the enhancement of every form of communication with potential customers. Written text is completely outdated and will certainly not be a benefit where moving a business into the digital era is concerned.
Digitize the Customer Service
Every business should have a customer service department. With the consideration of moving a business into the digital era you not only have to enhance your business model, you also have to enhance the customer service model. This is going to set the mind of your customer, or future customer, at ease. They will see that the business is not only concerned with your own business but their business with you as well.
Automate the Processes
Process automation is a huge growth where moving your business into the digital era is concerned. By automating the processes it will not only save time and money it will also assist in making more sales or sales relationships. All of these roads lead to one intersection and that is the intersection of agility. The business will become more agile and able to upgrade much more efficiently in the future.
These are only five topics that will assist in moving a business into the digital era that Shalom Lamm has put into daily practice. These topics have assisted with identifying the areas of “do’s and don’ts” and businesses have been modeling themselves after them for ages now. By following up with Lamm online there are a multitude of other resources, agendas, and advice that is offered that can assist in moving any business into the digital era.