Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

How to Host a Premium Birthday Dinner

Hosting dinners can be demanding mainly if you’re hosting it at home since that means double the amount of work and effort. Birthday dinners hosted at home are more unique. Birthdays are memorable and can be made exceptional with how they’re celebrated. A premium birthday dinner can be significant for many years. To host a

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What Is California’s Proposition 213?

Since 1996, California’s Proposition 213 has changed the state’s insurance standards for drivers and passengers involved in accidents. Prop 213 is a law that affects California motorists uniquely. Its nuances (like lane splitting in California) just may just be the difference between whether the victim of a crash is covered for pain and suffering caused

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The Audio Storyteller for Kids

Kids love stories. They want to be told stories while in the car, at home over a meal, and especially when it’s time for bed — probably the most effective delaying tactic ever invented. But parents and caregivers don’t always have the time to sit down with a child and tell them a fairy tale

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